
I have been placed on the waitlist. What are my chances of receiving an offer?
Unfortunately, it is impossible to predict. First, Western Law makes more waitlist offers than it has available spots.  Second, the number of candidates on the waitlist and the number of students in the class may change for a variety of reasons at any time. Since it is not possible for us to know of students’ future plans, it is not possible for us to state with any certainty whether you are likely to receive an offer. 

Do you reveal the number of students on the waitlist?
No, as the number can change.

Do you specifically “rank” students on the waitlist?
It is not our practice to formally rank students on the list. Rather, when a spot opens up, a candidate is selected based on a holistic review of the list of students, the strength of their applications, and the composition of the class at the relevant time.

When are waitlisted students likely to receive offers?
Some may receive offers before July 1. However, it is more likely that offers will be made in July or August. We reserve a number of spots in the first-year class for Western combined-degree students and admissions decisions are not finalized for that applicant group until the end of June. Spots not filled by combined-degree students are offered to waitlisted students.

Does the composition of the waitlist change at any time?
Yes. Some waitlisted students have provisionally accepted offers at other law schools but still wish to be considered at Western Law. On July 1, all provisional acceptances at Ontario law schools become firm. This means that students on our waitlist who provisionally accepted at another Ontario law school must be removed from our waitlist. This also means that if you remain on the list beyond July 1, you are competing with fewer students for spots that may become available.

What if I accept my waitlist offer but then decide I no longer wish to remain on the waitlist?
Please let us know so that other students on the list may be considered in your place. 

Are students ever removed from the waitlist without requesting it?
Sometimes, in mid-August, a review is conducted to determine whether some students on the waitlist are unlikely to receive an offer of admission due to the passage of time and the number of students on the list. Rather than give those students an unrealistic expectation of receiving an offer, they are notified that they will be removed from the list. A shorter list remains should a spot become available towards the end of the summer.

When is the latest that an offer of admission may be made?
It is possible for an offer to be made right up until Labour Day weekend. If you have not heard from us by Labour Day, however, it means that we were unable to offer you a position. In that case, we would welcome an application from you in the next cycle.