Law School Admission Test

How do I register for the LSAT or learn more about it?
Visit The Law School Admission Council Website and go to “ The LSAT” tab at the top of the page.

When should I write the LSAT?
Only you can be the judge of that based on the time you have available to prepare for the test. You should write when you are ready. You can determine your readiness by the scores you obtain on multiple timed practice tests in simulated conditions.

Is there any preferred time to write the LSAT?
Writing before you apply to law school is preferred. We recommend writing during the summer after your third year of university if you intend to apply in the Fall and attend law school the following year right after your degree program. If you do well on your first attempt we will not have to wait for an LSAT score before making an admissions decision. If you do not do as well as expected, you have the opportunity to rewrite in the Fall, or in January.

How does Western Law treat multiple LSAT scores?
We review all scores, but will use the highest score for admission purposes. Generally, high scores on the first writing – or consistently high scores over multiple writings – are given greater weight than inconsistent scores over multiple writings.

If I take the LSAT after the November 1st application deadline, will my test score be processed and considered with my application?
Yes. Please ensure you include your LSAC number on your OLSAS application.

How do I indicate I am writing a future LSAT after I have submitted my application?
Log into your OLSAS account and update your LSAT information.

What is the last LSAT score accepted for Fall admission?
The January test date.

How long is an LSAT test score valid?
Test scores are valid for five years prior to admission.

Does Western review the LSAT writing sample?
Yes. We consider writing a critical skill for law school study. We look for clear, concise, creative, and well-developed writing samples.

Should I take an LSAT preparation course?
Many students report multiple benefits from taking a course. Whether you should take a course, and which one, depends on your learning style, the time and resources you have available, what is offered in your region, whether you wish to learn in-class, online, or both, and whether you need more preparation on one area of the test over another.

Are there any free LSAT preparation resources?
The Law School Admission Council offers LSAT preparation through LSAC’s LawHub. There is no cost to join LawHub. Once you create an account you can upgrade to LawHub Advantage for $120 USD. LawHub Advantage provides you with unlimited access to over 70 full Official LSAT Prep Tests®. Some commercial LSAT preparation vendors also offer some free sample material. Finally, Western Law offers a free LSAT Prep Course every summer for Black, Indigenous, and Low-income applicants.

How do I apply for a fee waiver for LSAC services?
To request a fee waiver, please visit the LSAC website. You will be required to apply for a fee waiver through your account, so you must first create an account in order to proceed. Be sure to complete the Canadian fee waiver form. You should submit your application to LSAC four to six weeks before the registration deadline for the LSAT you wish to take.