Entrance Scholarships

Admitted students are automatically considered for entrance scholarships as part of the admissions process.  Please explore the categories below for full descriptions of available entrance scholarships.

To learn about all the financial support you may be eligible for as a Western Law student, please visit our Financial Aid and Awards website

Strictly Academic Merit Based

Blake, Cassels & Graydon Entrance Scholarships:  Awarded annually to two students entering first-year Law based on academic excellence in pre-law studies. The recipients are selected during the admissions process. No separate application is required. Generously provided by the Toronto law firm of Blake, Cassels & Graydon. Value: 2 at $1,250.

Bredt/Cameron Entrance Scholarship in Law:  Awarded annually to an undergraduate student entering first-year Law based on academic achievement in pre-law studies.  The Faculty of Law scholarship committee will select the recipient. This scholarship was established by Mr. Chris Bredt (BA `79, LLB '79) and his wife, Ms Jamie Cameron. Value: 1 at $1,500.

Carswell Entrance Scholarship:  Awarded annually to a student entering first-year Law based on academic excellence in pre-law studies. The recipient is selected during the admissions process. No separate application is required. Established through the generosity of Carswell. Value: 1 at $600.

Dean of Law Entrance Scholarships:  Awarded to students entering first-year Law based on academic excellence in pre-law studies and other achievements. Value: $5,000 to $50,000. The number of scholarships will vary annually.

Earl Palmer, QC Entrance Scholarship:  Awarded annually to a student entering first-year Law who has shown great academic achievement and promise. This scholarship is made possible by a generous gift from Harry Burkman, BA ’73, LLB ’76, in honour of Earl Palmer, Professor Emeritus in the Faculty of Law. Value: 1 at $2,500.

Gowling WLG (Canada) LLP Entrance Scholarship:  Awarded to a student entering first-year Law based on academic excellence in pre-law studies. Established through the generosity of Smith Lyons. Value: 1 at $1,200.

Kevin J. Comeau Continuing Scholarship:  Awarded annually to a student entering first-year Law based on academic achievement (minimum 80% average). This scholarship will continue in Years 2 and 3 provided the recipient maintains a full course load and achieves an average in the top 40% of their class. The recipient will be selected by the Dean in the Faculty of Law. This scholarship was established by a generous gift from Kevin Comeau (Law '82) through Western. Value: 1 at $4,100, continuing for up to three years.

The Solomon and Lent Family Entrance Scholarship:  Awarded annually to a full-time law student entering Year 1 who has shown great academic achievement and promise. The Scholarship/Awards Committee in the Faculty of Law will select the recipient. This scholarship is made possible by a generous gift from Professor Robert Solomon and his spouse, Dr. Barbara Lent. Professor Robert Solomon has had a distinguished academic career at the Faculty of Law for over 45 years. Dr. Barbara Lent practiced Family medicine in London for over 30 years with a special focus on undergraduate and postgraduate medical education and has combined her interest in family medicine with a strong focus on medical education. This donation reflects their longstanding commitment to post-secondary education. Value: 1 at $5,000.

University of Western Ontario Law Alumni Association Entrance Scholarships:  Awarded to two students entering first-year Law based on academic excellence in pre-law studies. Recipients are selected during the admission process. No separate application is required. Value: 2 at $1,700.

Academic Merit and Financial Need

Badun-Gillese Entrance Scholarship:  Awarded to a student residing in Ontario entering first-year Law who demonstrates great academic promise and financial need. Established through the generosity of Eileen Gillese and Robert Badun. Value: 1 at $1,700.

Darlene and Brian Empey Law Award:  Awarded to a full-time undergraduate student entering first-year Law who has achieved a minimum B+ average and has demonstrated financial need. The Scholarship Committee in the Faculty of Law will select the recipient once the Office of the Registrar has determined financial need. This award will continue into Year 2 and Year 3 Law as long as the student maintains a minimum B average and demonstrates financial need. Only one student may hold this award in any given year. If the student does not retain the scholarship, another student in the same year will be selected. This award was made possible by a gift from Darlene Melanson and Brian Empey (BA '85, LLB '88). Value: 1 at $3,000. A student in Year 1 will be selected in 2022 and 2025.

Huron R. Davidson Entrance Award:  Awarded annually to a student entering first-year Law based on academic excellence in pre-law studies and demonstrated financial need. Online financial assistance applications are available through Student Center and must be submitted by September 30th.  The Faculty of Law will select the recipient after the Office of the Registrar assesses financial need. This award was established by The Blackburn Group to recognize one of its directors, Huron R. Davidson, on his retirement. Value: 1 at $1,800

Mario Paura Award in Law:  Awarded annually to a full-time student entering first-year Law based on academic achievement and demonstrated financial need. Online financial assistance applications must be submitted through Student Center by May 31. Preference will be given to a student who has displayed an interest or background in real estate related matters. The recipient will be selected by the Faculty of Law after the Office of the Registrar assesses financial need. This award is made possible by a generous gift from Mr. Mario Paura (LLB ’92) in appreciation of the support and education he received at Western. Value: 1 at $2,000

Myer and Sarah Solomon Entrance Scholarships:  Awarded annually  to undergraduate students entering Year 1 in the Faculty of Law showing academic promise and demonstrated financial need. Online financial assistance applications are available through Student Center and must be submitted by May 31.  The Registrar's Office will select the recipients.  This scholarship was established by the family of Myer and Sarah Solomon in recognition of  their commitment to education.  This endowment received matching OSOTF funds and recipients must meet Ontario residency requirements. Value: 2 at $3,200.

Patricia McVeigh Memorial Entrance Scholarship:  Awarded annually to a student entering first-year Law based on financial need and pre-law academic excellence. This award was established by students, alumni, colleagues, family, and friends to honor Patricia McVeigh's devotion to law students, the Faculty of Law, and the Law Library. It commemorates the affection and respect she inspired in law students and in her colleagues. Value: 1 at $1,000.

Waterloo Region Law Association - Catherine Malvern Entrance Scholarship:  Awarded to a student entering first year in the Faculty of Law based on academic achievement (minimum 80% average) and financial need. Preference will be given to students with a connection to the Kitchener-Waterloo- Cambridge region. Online financial assistance applications are available through Student Center and must be submitted by May 31. The Office of the Registrar will determine financial need and then the Faculty of Law will select the recipient. Established in 2005, this scholarship is made possible through the generosity of the Waterloo Region Law Association. Value: 1 at $2150.

Academic Merit and Extra-Curricular or Public Service

Dale Ponder, LLB ’80, Osler Entrance Scholarship:  Awarded to an entering full-time undergraduate student in the Faculty of Law based on academic achievement and leadership through community involvement. The Faculty of Law will select the recipient. This award was established by Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP to honour Dale Ponder (LLB 1980) for her contributions to the firm and the community. Value: 1 at $15,000 awarded annually.

MacKewn, Winder, Kirwin Entrance Scholarship in Law:  Awarded to a student entering first-year Law based on outstanding academic ability (minimum 80% average) and a demonstrated commitment to community or public service. This scholarship was made possible by a generous donation from MacKewn, Winder, Kirwin. Value: 1 at $1,600.

Newton Rowell Entrance Scholarship:  Awarded to a student entering first-year Law on the basis of academic excellence and demonstrated interest and commitment to public service. Applicants should provide details and appropriate documentation in a letter to be submitted along with their application for admission to first year of the program. Established by the Honorable Henry N.R. Jackman, former Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, in memory of his grandfather, Newton Wesley Rowell, a public servant, lawyer, and judge. Value: 1 at $5,400.

Student Legal Society Entrance Scholarship:  Awarded annually to a full-time undergraduate student entering first-year Law who has achieved academic excellence and who is involved with volunteer work. The recipient will be selected by the Scholarship and Awards Committee in the Faculty of Law. This scholarship was established with Western by the 2009/10 Student Legal Society in honour of the Faculty of Law’s 50th Anniversary. Value: 1 at $1,600.

Western Law Entrance Scholarship:  Awarded annually to full-time undergraduate students entering Year 1 in the Faculty of Law who have shown great academic achievement and promise. Candidates must also be actively involved in community or athletic activities as documented on their admission application. The Scholarship and Awards Committee in the Faculty of Law will select the recipients. This scholarship is made possible by a generous gift from Robert Chadwick (LLB'92) and Elizabeth Pierson (LLB'93). Value: 2 at $5,000

Academic Merit, Financial Need, Leadership and Extra-Curricular

Rawal Family Entrance Scholarship:  Awarded annually to an undergraduate student entering Year 1 in the Faculty of Law, based on demonstrated financial need, leadership, extra-curricular activities and academic achievement. Online financial assistance applications are available through Student Center and must be submitted by May 31.  The recipient will be selected by the Scholarship and Awards Committee in the Faculty of Law after the Office of the Registrar assesses for financial need. This scholarship was established by Mr. Prem Rawal (LLB '02) and his wife Mrs. Angela Rawal. Prem and Angela Rawal established this scholarship, continuing a family legacy of supporting the pursuit of higher education by students who show promise but face financial limitations. This scholarship recognizes the value of diversity in the legal profession, in building a more just and innovative Canada.
Value: 1 at $1,500

Financial Need and Community Service

T.J. Laskowsky Class of 2001 Entrance Award:  Awarded annually to a full-time undergraduate student entering Year 1 in the Faculty of Law, based on demonstrated financial need and community service.  Candidates' involvement in their community will be documented on their admission application.  Online financial assistance applications are available through Student Center and must be submitted by September 30th.  The Faculty of Law will select the recipient after the Registrar's Office assesses the financial need.  This award was established by the Law Class of 2001, family and friends, in memory of T.J. Laskowsky (LLB'01).
Value: 1 at $1,000

Financial Need and Interest or Background in Entrepreneurship

Robert D. Preston Entrance Award in Law:  Awarded annually to a full-time undergraduate student entering first year in the Faculty of Law, who has demonstrated financial need and an interest or background in entrepreneurship. Online financial assistance applications can be accessed through Student Center. The Admissions Committee in the Faculty of Law will select the recipient once the Registrar's Office has determined financial need. This award was established by a generous gift from Ricketts, Harris LLP, Barristers & Solicitors, in memory of their partner, colleague and friend Robert (Bob) D. Preston (BA '65, LLB `69). Bob was still enjoying his work as Managing Partner at Ricketts Harris LLP in Toronto when he passed away in 2013 at age 68. Bob was a renaissance man with wide ranging interests and skills as a lawyer, a skier, squash player, golfer, and world traveller. Value: 1 at $2,300.

Financial Need Only

(Selected by Financial Aid Office)

Joanne Poljanowski Memorial Bursary in Law:  Awarded to a full-time undergraduate student entering first-year Law with demonstrated financial need. Preference will be given to a female student. Online financial need applications are available through the Office of the Registrar's website and must be submitted by October 31. The Office of the Registrar will select the recipient. This bursary was established through Western in memory of Joanne Poljanowski (LLB '85) with contributions from Sophia Poljanowski, Borden Ladner & Gervais, The University Health Network, family, and friends. Value: 1 at $2,300. 

Black Students

The Violet King Award:  Awarded to a full-time undergraduate student entering Year 1 in the Faculty of Law based on academic achievement. Preference will be given to candidates who self-identify as Black. The Scholarship Committee in the Faculty of Law will select recipients. If there is no eligible candidate entering Year 1 Law, students in Year 2 or 3 may be considered. This award, named in honour of Violet King, is made possible by a generous gift from members of the Law Class of 2013 and friends. 

In 1953 Violet King became the first Black Canadian to obtain a law degree in Alberta and the first Black person admitted to the Alberta Bar and to practice Law in Canada. King practised criminal law in Calgary for several years. She later moved to Ottawa to work with Citizenship and Immigration. In 1969, King moved to Chicago to become the director of manpower, planning and staff development with the YMCA. In 1976, she was appointed executive director of the National Council of YMCA’s Organizational Development Group, making her the first woman to be named to an executive position with the national organization. King shattered glass ceilings and broke down colour barriers to pave the way for future generations. Her hard work and drive to excel in all facets of her career are an inspiration for those who also aspire to do great things in their field. Violet King died in 1982 at the age of 53. Value:  1 at $5,000.

Francophone Students

Richard J. Schmeelk Canada Fellowship:  Western University is the only Ontario university (among four across the country) partnered with the Schmeelk Foundation for these generous fellowships: valued at $10,000 per academic term, up to a total of $40,000. JD students who ultimately choose to pursue our joint-degree program with Laval University in Quebec are eligible to apply for a Schmeelk Fellowship for their period of study at Laval, as Laval is also one of the four universities partnered with the Schmeelk Foundation. For more information regarding eligibility requirements please visit Western Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies.

Indigenous Students

Clarke-Osborne Family Entrance Scholarship:  Awarded annually to a full-time undergraduate student entering Year 1 in the Faculty of Law, based on academic achievement and demonstrated leadership ability. Preference will be given to an Indigenous student (First Nations, Metis, Inuit, Status, Non-Status and Self Identifying). The Scholarship/Awards Committee in the Faculty of Law will select the recipient. This scholarship is made possible by a generous gift from Cindy Clarke (BA’93, LLB’97)m National Group Head, Specialized Litigation at Borden Ladner Gervais LLP, and Chris Osborne (BSc ’93, MSc ’94), in loving memory of Cindy’s father, The Honourable Justice Richard N. Clarke (BA’62, LLB’67). Value: 1 at $2,400

Hewat Family Continuing Award for Indigenous Law Students:  Awarded to a full-time undergraduate student entering Year 1 in the Faculty of Law. Preference will be given to candidates who are Indigenous (First Nations, Inuit or Métis) and have demonstrated a contribution to their Indigenous community as well as interest in continuing their contribution to Indigenous communities in the future. Consideration will also be given to candidates’ academic achievement in pre-law studies. The award will continue into Year 2 and Year 3 provided the recipient remains in Law, maintains full-time status, and progresses in the program. Only one recipient may hold the award at any given time. If the student does not meet the renewal requirements, a new Year 1 student will be selected.  The Faculty of Law scholarship committee will select the recipients.  This award was established by Dale Hewat (LLB, 1986) and Chris Hewat (LLB, MBA, 1985). The intention of the donor is to attract Indigenous students to the study of Law at Western by assisting them in completing their legal education, which in turn will enable them to benefit their communities. Value: 1 at $30,000 (The recipient receives $10,000 in Year 1, Year 2, and Year 3.)