Tort Law Research Group


The Tort Law Research Group was founded in 2010 to consolidate Western's reputation as a leader in the study of tort law. Western has a long tradition of tort law scholarship: the late Professor GHL Fridman was a pioneer in the study of Canadian tort law, with a career extending over 40 years. Currently, one-quarter of all Western Law faculty teach and publish in the area of tort law, including a leading treatise, Fridman’s The Law of Torts in Canada, and a leading casebook, Cases and Materials on the Law of Torts. Western Law hosted an international conference in 2006 that led to the publication of Emerging Issues in Tort Law, and hosted both the Sixth (2012) and Tenth (2023) Biennial Conferences on the Law of Obligations. During the academic year, the Tort Law Research Group hosts a series of public lectures by internationally renowned scholars, as well as more informal lunchtime research seminars. Group members publish in diverse areas, including economic torts, public authority liability, tort law theory, tort law and health care, and defamation. Western Law offers a number of torts-related JD courses, and faculty members welcome thesis proposals from interested graduate students.

The Tort Law Research Group thanks Shillington McCall LLP for their sponsorship of the group's public lecture series. 

News and Events

Robert Solomon challenges alcohol manufacturers and public authorities for failure to warn

On March 17, 2025, Robert Solomon, Distinguished University Professor Emeritus at Western University, delivered the second Tort Law Research Group Public Lecture of the 2024-25 academic year. His lecture was titled “If All Else Fails, Sue? The Alcohol Industry, the Duty to Inform and Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder”. He examined the question of whether a negligence claim against alcohol manufacturers and provincial liquor authorities for failure to warn of the dangers of alcohol, particularly FASD, would succeed.
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Catherine Sharkey on Tort Liability and Insurance

On September 24, 2024, Catherine Sharkey, the Segal Family Professor of Regulatory Law and Policy at NYU School of Law, delivered the first Tort Law Research Group Public Lecture of the 2024-25 academic year. In her lecture entitled "Tort Liability and Insurance" Professor Sharkey emphasized the critical role of liability insurance in shaping tort law and discussed how insurance affects every phase of a tort claim, including whether a case is filed and how it moves through the litigation process. 
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Western Law Co-hosts International Workshop on The Law of Nuisance 'From Victoria Park to the Tate Gallery'

On February 23–24, 2024 Western Law’s Tort Law Research Group, in partnership with the University of the West Indies and the Université de Montréal, hosted an international workshop on the law of nuisance at UWI’s Cave Hill campus. The title of the workshop drew on two famous locations from the jurisprudence on nuisance: Victoria Park, a raceway in Australia, and Tate Gallery, a modern art museum in England.
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Shauna Van Praagh encourages a re-reading of Palsgraf

Professor Shauna Van Praagh delivered the Tort Law Research Group’s second Public Lecture of the 2023-2024 academic year on Tuesday, February 13, 2023. In her talk, “Read it Again: Palsgraf as Guide for the Perplexed,” Professor Van Praagh encouraged the audience of students, faculty, and members of the bar to reread the famous 1928 New York Court of Appeals case in an integrated and transsystemic way.
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Gregory Keating shares reflections on reasonableness and risk

Gregory Keating, the William T. Dalessi Professor Law and Philosophy at USC Gould School of Law, delivered the first Tort Law Research Group Public Lecture of the 2023-2024 academic year on September 28, 2023. Professor Keating’s talk, “Reflections on Reasonableness and Risk,” summarized the main arguments of his recently published monograph Reasonableness and Risk: Right and Responsibility in the Law of Torts (Oxford University Press, 2022).  
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Tenth biennial Obligations conference explores private law and the state

Convened by TLRG members Joanna Langille, Jason Neyers, and Zoë Sinel, the Tenth Biennial Conference on the Law of Obligations was held in July 2023 in Banff, Alberta. The theme of the conference was “Private Law and the State.” The conference was attended by over 150 scholars and jurists from across the common law world. Select papers from the conference will be published by Hart Publishing in a volume co-edited by Jason Neyers and Professor Andrew Robertson of Melbourne. 
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Justice Katherine van Rensburg Delivers Second Public Lecture of 2022/23

On March 13, 2023, the Honorable Justice Katherine van Rensburg of the Court of Appeal for Ontario delivered the Tort Law Research Group’s second public lecture of the 2022/23 academic year to an audience of students, practitioners, and faculty. Read more

Sinel Presents at Landmark Cases in the Law of Punitive Damages

On 6-7 October 2022, Professors Sinel and Neyers attended Landmark Cases in the Law of Punitive Damages, an invitation-only workshop hosted by the University of Oxford at Keble College. The purpose of the event was to discuss leading cases from across the common law world in relation to punitive and exemplary damages. Read more

Lord Sales Lectures on Pure Economic Loss in the Law of Tort

On September 26, 2022, the Right Honourable Lord Sales of the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom delivered the first Tort Law Research Group Public Lecture of the 2022/2023 academic year to an audience of students, faculty, and members of the bar and bench. Read more

TLRG Members on the "Radio"

Two members of the Tort Law Research Group, Erika Chamberlain and Zoë Sinel, have found recent “fame” on the airwaves. Read more

New Edition of Leading Tort Treatise Published

Five members of the TLRG and one of their former colleagues have published Fridman’s The Law of Torts in Canada, fourth edition (2020). The book provides a comprehensive analysis of all facets of Canadian tort law. Read more

Tort Law Research Group Members Publish Introductory Tort Book

In July 2020, members of the Tort Law Research Group – Erika Chamberlain, Stephen Pitel, Andrew Botterell, Jason Neyers, and Zoë Sinel – as well as past Western Law faculty member Mitchell McInnes published the fourth edition of Introduction to the Canadian Law of Torts. Read more

Feldthusen Delivers TLRG Public Lecture

On February 13, 2020, Professor Bruce Feldthusen, Professor at the University of Ottawa School of Law (Common Law), delivered the second Tort Law Research Group (TLRG) Public Lecture of the 2019/2020 academic year to an audience of students and faculty. Read more

Neyers Presents at Punishment and Private Law Workshop in Singapore

On 16-18 December 2019, Professor Neyers attended Punishment and Private Law, an invitation-only workshop co-sponsored by the National University of Singapore (NUS), Melbourne Law School, and the University of Oxford. Read more

Hanoch Dagan Delivers TLRG Public Lecture

On October 24, Professor Hanoch Dagan, the Stewart and Judy Colton Professor of Legal Theory and Innovation and the Director of the Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics at Tel Aviv University, delivered the first Tort Law Research Group Public Lecture of the 2019/2020 academic year to an audience of students and faculty. Read more

Shillingtons LLP Renews Sponsorship of TLRG Public Lecture Series

Western Law and the Tort Law Research Group (TLRG) are delighted that the London law firm of Shillingtons LLP has renewed its sponsorship of the TLRG Public Lecture series for the 2019-20 academic year. Read more

Neyers Delivers Bi-Juridical Lecture in Scotland

On June 3, 2019 Professor Neyers delivered a lecture, “Lying and the (Private) Law,” at the Edinburgh Centre for Private Law Lecture Series at Edinburgh Law School. Founded in 2009, the Edinburgh Centre for Private Law continues a long tradition of private law scholarship at the University of Edinburgh and fosters a dialogue between the civilian tradition and the common law. Read more

McBride Workshop on The Humanity of Private Law

What is the purpose of private law?  This fundamental question was front and centre at a workshop at Western Law on April 17, 2019.  The workshop was organized as a series of responses to a recent book by Nicholas McBride, The Humanity of Private Law (Hart 2018). Read more

Sarah Green Delivers TLRG Public Lecture

On March 4, Professor Sarah Green delivered the second Tort Law Research Group (TLRG) Public Lecture of the 2018-19 academic year. Professor Green, Professor of Private Law at the University of Bristol Law School, spoke to an audience of students and faculty on the topic, “Torts and Capabilities.” Read more

Sinel Presents Paper at Harvard Law School Private Law Workshop

On November 7, Professor Zoë Sinel delivered a paper, “A Right Against Spite?”, for the Fall 2018 Private Law Workshop at Harvard Law School. The workshop, co-hosted by Professor John Goldberg (Harvard) and Professor Jeff Pojanowski (Notre Dame), explores the foundations of private law through paper presentations by outside speakers. Read more

Allan Beever Delivers TLRG Public Lecture

On October 15, Professor Allan Beever gave the first Tort Law Research Group (TLRG) Public Lecture of the 2018-2019 academic year. Professor Beever, a leading private law theorist from Auckland University of Technology Law School, spoke to an audience of students and faculty at Western Law on the topic, “Tort Law and The Tort System: From Vindictiveness to Vindication.” Read more

Workshop celebrates Fridman’s impact on private law scholarship

A workshop hosted at Western Law brought together world-renowned scholars and judges to honour the extraordinary contribution to the study of private law of the late emeritus professor, Gerald Fridman. The two-day international workshop “Gerald Fridman and the Law of Obligations” held October 12-13, celebrated and critically explored the extensive impact of Fridman’s work on three core areas of private law: contracts, tort, and unjust enrichment. Read more

Shillingtons LLP sponsors the TLRG Public Lecture Series

Western Law and the Tort Law Research Group (TLRG) are delighted to announce that the London law firm of Shillingtons LLP will be sponsoring the TLRG Public Lecture series for the 2018-19 academic year. Read more

Neyers Presents at Obligations IX in Australia

On July 17-20, Professor Neyers attended the Ninth Biennial Conference on the Law of Obligations (Obligations IX): Form and Substance in the Law of Obligations, held at the University of Melbourne. Read more

Sophia Moreau Lectures on Discrimination and the Tort of Negligence

On February 12, Sophia Moreau, Associate Professor of Law and Philosophy at the University of Toronto, delivered the second Tort Law Research Group Public Lecture of the 2017/2018 academic year to an audience of students and faculty. Read more

Donal Nolan Lectures on Damage

On November 13th, Donal Nolan, delivered the first Tort Law Research Group Public Lecture of the 2017-18 academic year to an audience of law students, faculty, and guests as part of Western’s International Week. Read more

Neyers Presents to the 108th Annual Conference of the Society of Legal Scholars

On September 6, 2017, Professor Neyers gave a presentation entitled “Deceit and Rights” to the 108th Annual Conference of the Society of Legal Scholars. The conference was held at University College Dublin. Read more

TLRG at Inaugural Canadian Law of Obligations Conference

On May 5-6, 2017, three members of Western Law’s Tort Law Research Group, Erika Chamberlain, Jason Neyers, and Zoë Sinel, presented papers at the Canadian Law of Obligations: Innovations, Innovators, and the Next 20 Years at the Peter A. Allard School of Law at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver. Read more

John Goldberg Lectures on Learned Hand, Ordinary Care, and Competence

On March 13, John Goldberg, the Eli Goldston Professor of Law at Harvard University, delivered the second Tort Law Research Group Public Lecture of the 2016-17 academic year to an audience of students and faculty. Professor Goldberg is an expert in tort law, tort theory, and political philosophy. Read more

New Zealand Welcomes Neyers as a Distinguished Visitor at AUT Centre for Private Law

From February 14-24, 2017, Professor Neyers was a distinguished visitor at the Centre for Private Law at Auckland University of Technology in New Zealand. Under the auspices of the Centre, Professor Neyers gave two presentations. Read more

Mayo Moran Lectures on Tort Law’s Reasonable Person

On February 9, 2017, Professor Mayo Moran, Provost and Vice-Chancellor of Trinity College at the University of Toronto and past Dean of Law at the University of Toronto, gave the first Tort Law Research Group public lecture of the 2016-17 academic year to an audience of students and faculty. Read more

Neyers Featured Speaker in Singapore

From August 18-19, 2016 Professor Neyers was a featured speaker at the Protecting Business and Economic Interests: Contemporary Issues in Tort Law conference held at the Supreme Court of Singapore. Read more

TLRG at Obligations VIII: Revolutions in Private Law

On July 19-22, Professors Erika Chamberlain and Jason Neyers presented papers at the Eight Biennial Conference on the Law of Obligations (Obligations VIII) held at Downing College, Cambridge. The theme of the conference was Revolutions in Private Law. The obligations conferences bring together scholars, judges, and practitioners from throughout the common law world to discuss current issues in contract law, the law of torts, equity, and unjust enrichment. Read more

Western confers an honorary Doctor of Civil Law, honoris causa, upon TLRG member Gerald Fridman

The next generation of nurses and lawyers has a duty to carry on the storied histories of proud professions, Gerald Fridman told graduates at the Wednesday afternoon session of Western’s 307th Convocation. Read more

Private Law Theory Workshop 2016 at Osgoode Hall Law School

On May 6, 2016, Professors Andrew Botterell and Jason Neyers participated in the Private Law Theory Workshop (PLTW), hosted by York University’s Osgoode Hall Law School. They presented a paper on the tort of deceit. Read more

Unique tort explored in new book

The idea for Prof. Erika Chamberlain’s new book, Misfeasance in a Public Office, was sparked years earlier while Chamberlain was clerking at the Supreme Court of Canada. During her clerkship, Chamberlain (pictured right) worked on the Supreme Court’s decision in Odhavji Estate v Woodhouse(2003), where a family sued police officers who failed to cooperate with an SIU investigation into their son’s shooting death at the hands of police. Read more

Chamallas Lectures on Tort Law’s Continued Resistance to Gender-Inclusivity

Martha Chamallas spoke on the topic of gender-inclusivity in tort law. Professor Chamallas argued that while tort law is now formally gender neutral—it has done away with gender-specific causes of action and has sanitized itself of gender-specific terminology—in several significant spheres, it remains resistant to substantive gender-inclusivity. Read more

Neyers Visits Harvard Law School

During the second week of March of this year, Professor Jason Neyers was a visitor at Harvard Law School. Under the auspices of The Project on the Foundations of Private Law, an interdisciplinary research program at Harvard Law School dedicated to the academic investigation of private law, he delivered a presentation entitled, "A (Post-Modern) Theory of the Tort of Public Nuisance." Read more

Benjamin Zipursky Lectures on Online Defamation

On February 29, Benjamin Zipursky, Professor of Law and holder of the James H Quinn ‘49 Chair in Legal Ethics at Fordham Law School, delivered the first Tort Law Research Group Public Lecture of the 2015-16 academic year. For an audience of students, faculty, and legal practitioners, Zipursky offered a nuanced critique of the current state of American law with respect to online defamatory statements. Read more

Neyers Teaches Intensive Course at the University of Sydney

From February 15-25, 2016, Professor Jason Neyers taught an intensive course at Sydney Law School at the University of Sydney. The Advanced Torts course examined nuisance, vicarious liability, non-delegable duty, pure economic loss, the economic torts, and misfeasance in a public office through cases and materials from Australia, Canada, and the United Kingdom. Read more

Tort Law Research Group’s Travels in Australia

Three members of Western Law’s Tort Law Research Group, Jason Neyers, Erika Chamberlain, and Zoë Sinel, made the cross-world trek this December to Australia. Read more

Neyers Lectures in Europe

In June 2015, Professor Jason Neyers gave a presentation at the Private Law Workshop at the Humbolt Law School in Berlin, Germany.  His presentation was entitled “The Future of Public Nuisance” and addressed far reaching questions relating to the jurisprudential basis of the tort and the implications that this basis would have in civilian legal systems. Read more

New Edition of Tort Casebook Published by Carswell

Group members Robert Solomon, Erika Chamberlain and Stephen G.A. Pitel, with Mitchell McInnes of the University of Alberta, have written a new edition of Cases and Materials on the Law of Torts. The ninth edition of this highly regarded casebook provides a detailed examination of every major area of Canadian tort law, drawing on case law from every province. It features helpful explanatory introductions, concise extracts of key decisions, editorial passages, detailed notes and questions, and review problems.

The new edition addresses recent Supreme Court of Canada decisions on negligent misrepresentation, factual causation, nuisance, deceit and unlawful interference with economic relations (the unlawful means tort). It contains expanded discussion of the tort of intrusion on seclusion (privacy), revised coverage of several of the intentional economic torts, and analysis of changes to the law on the defence of lawful authority. A new feature is the increased attention paid to the possible impact of contemporary rights-based approaches to tort law.

Visit Carswell's website for more information or to obtain a copy.

Tort Law Update for Middlesex Law Association

On May 27, 2015, Professor Stephen Pitel spoke at the tenth annual "Straight From the Bench" conference organized by the Middlesex Law Association in London.  His focus was on explaining the changes to the law concerning the intentional economic torts flowing from three recent decisions of the Supreme Court of Canada: A.I. Enterprises Ltd. v Bram Enterprises Ltd. (the unlawful means tort), Bhasin v Hrynew (unlawful means conspiracy) and Bruno Appliance and Furniture, Inc. v Hryniak (deceit/civil fraud).  He also discussed George v Newfoundland and Labrador, a class action concerning public authority liability for moose-vehicle collisions.

Scott Hershovitz Lectures on Tort and Revenge

On March 16, Scott Hershovitz, Professor of Law and Philosophy at the University of Michigan, delivered the second Tort Law Research Group Public Lecture of the 2014-15 academic year. Hershovitz proposed that revenge, not corrective justice, not deterrence, and not compensation, is the key to understanding tort law. Read more

Neyers honoured with Faculty Scholar award

Professor Jason Neyers has been named Western Law’s Faculty Scholar for the 2015-16 and 2016-17 academic periods. This campus wide award recognizes significant achievements in teaching or research. Read more

Chamberlain Speaks at Crown Liability Conference

On February 27, 2015, Professor Erika Chamberlain spoke at Osgoode Professional Development’s 11th Annual Crown Liability Conference. Chamberlain presented, “When Unlawfulness Becomes Tortious: Misfeasance in a Public Office.” Read more

Panel Presentation on Factual Causation

On February 24, 2015, the Tort Law Research Group hosted a panel presentation on factual causation in negligence, particularly as it is analyzed in medical malpractice cases.  Two lawyers with considerable experience litigating these cases presented the results of their recent research into the topic. Read more

Neyers Teaches Advanced Torts at University of Melbourne

From January 27, 2015 to February 6, 2015 Professor Jason Neyers taught an intensive course in Advanced Torts at the University of Melbourne. The course examined nuisance, vicarious liability, non-delegable duty, pure economic loss, the economic torts and misfeasance in a public office from a comparative Australian-Canadian perspective. Read more

Neyers Discusses Right-Based Approach with Victoria’s Judges

On Friday February 6, 2015, Professor Neyers gave a talk and participated in a workshop about the right-based theory of tort law at the Supreme Court of Victoria. He explained the theory and examined particular issues in private nuisance, public nuisance, pure economic loss in negligence and public authority liability from the perspective of that theory with a focus on Australian materials and doctrine. Read more

Berryman Lectures on Tort Law and Multiculturalism

On Monday, November 17, 2014, Professor Jeff Berryman delivered this year’s first Tort Law Research Group public lecture. Speaking to an audience of students and faculty members, Professor Berryman spoke on the topic of “Tort Law, Personal Injuries, and the New Multiculturalism.” Read more

Clarifying Causation for the Ontario Trial Lawyers Association

On October 20, 2014, Professor Stephen G.A. Pitel delivered a talk entitled "Clarifying Causation" as part of the annual Fall Conference of the Ontario Trial Lawyers Association, held in Toronto. He discussed the implications of the Supreme Court of Canada's decisions in Clements v Clements and Ediger v Johnston and facilitated the discussion of hypothetical scenarios designed to illuminate how the law may have changed.

TLRG at Seventh Biennial Conference on the Law of Obligations

On July 15-18 2014, three members of the Tort Law Research Group, Erika Chamberlain, Jason Neyers, and Zoë Sinel, presented papers at the Seventh Biennial Conference on the Law of Obligations (Obligations VII): The Common Law of Obligations: Divergence and Convergence, held at Hong Kong University. Read more

Western Law Garners Funding Success

Professors Jason Neyers (pictured left), Andrew Botterell, Erika Chamberlain, Stephen Pitel and Zoe Sinel have been awarded a $16,000 "Bridge Grant" from Western's internal SSHRC support program to conduct a one year project titled "Rights and Tort Law: A Canadian Perspective". Read more

Western Hosts Annual Private Law Theory Workshop

On April 25, 2014 Western hosted the fifth annual Private Law Theory Workshop. This year marked a change to the usual format of the Workshop.  Rather than address a variety of subjects, the Workshop’s participants selected a theme – a doctrine, a book, a particular issue in private law theory – for careful discussion and analysis. The doctrine of estoppel was well-chosen as the inaugural theme, providing the subject matter for insightful papers and rigorous debate. Western’s Dennis Klimchuk spearheaded the organization of this year’s workshop and shared some of his current scholarship on the field of estoppel in a paper entitled, “State Estoppel,” that questioned whether states, like individuals, are sometimes blocked from exercising rights they have, as a result of something they have said or done. The Workshop was attended by private law scholars from the University of Toronto, Queen’s University, and McGill University, as well as three members of the Tort Law Research Group: Jason Neyers, Erika Chamberlain, and Zoë Sinel.

Stevens Lectures on Causation and Contribution

Robert Stevens, the Herbert Smith Freehills Professor of English Private Law at University of Oxford, delivered the year’s second Tort Law Research Group public lecture on March 19, 2014.  Speaking to an audience of students and faculty members, Professor Stevens carefully and vividly explained the difference between causation and contribution and the role that each play in the law’s assessing of responsibility. Read more

Chamberlain at Osgoode Professional Development's Tenth Annual Crown Liability Symposium

On February 11, 2014, Erika Chamberlain presented “Misfeasance in a Public Office: Ten Years Since Odhavji Estate v Woodhouse” at Osgoode Professional Development’s  Tenth Annual Crown Liability Symposium in Toronto. Chamberlain addressed developments in the decade since the Supreme Court of Canada provided a modern restatement of this unique tort. She noted that, although the tort has been pleaded with increasing frequency, the number of successful cases remains small. Chamberlain also discussed the interaction of misfeasance in a public office with the tort of negligence, and explained that misfeasance may be available in some situations where the negligence action is struck out for lack of proximity or on account of “core policy” immunity. This occurred in two Ontario Court of Appeal cases, Granite Power v Ontario (2004) and Trillium Power v Ontario (2013). In both cases, the alleged bad faith on the government’s part was sufficient to ground an action in misfeasance.

Clarifying Causation for the Middlesex Law Association

On December 4, 2013, Professor Stephen G.A. Pitel delivered a talk entitled "Clarifying Causation" as part of the Seventh Annual Personal Injury Conference hosted by the Middlesex Law Association.  He discussed the implications of the Supreme Court of Canada's decisions in Clements v Clements and Ediger v Johnston and facilitated group discussion of three hypothetical scenarios designed to illuminate how the law may have changed.

Bublick Lectures on Creation of Risk and the Duty of Care

On October 29, 2013, Ellen Bublick, the Dan B. Dobbs Professor of Law at the University of Arizona’s James E. Rogers College of Law, delivered the opening Tort Law Research Group public lecture for the 2013-14 academic year. Speaking to an audience of students and faculty members, Professor Bublick provided a useful overview and analysis of the American approach to analyzing duties of care in negligence. Read more

TLRG at North American Workshop in Private Law Theory

On October 4-5, 2013, Professor Zoë Sinel participated in the inaugural meeting of the North American Workshop in Private Law Theory (NAWPLT) at McGill University. Professor Sinel’s paper, entitled “The Nature of Self-Help,” explored a heretofore underdeveloped area of private law theory and doctrine: the remedial actions parties may undertake independent of the direct participation of legal institutions. Read more

Understanding Public Nuisance

Professor Jason Neyers has been doing extensive research in tort law in the area of public nuisance. The traditional understanding of public nuisance is that it is catch all tort, modelled on section 80 of the Criminal Code of Canada that protects the public from interferences with its safety, health, property or comfort. Neyers’ project reconceptualizes public nuisance as a more manageable, distinctive and focused tort that exists to protect everyone’s exercise of his or her public rights. Read more

Tort Law: Challenging Orthodoxy Published

Professors Stephen GA Pitel, Jason W Neyers and Erika Chamberlain are the editors of a new international tort law collection, Tort Law: Challenging Orthodoxy. The chapters in this book were originally presented at Western in July 2012 at the Sixth Biennial Conference on the Law of Obligations.

Legate & Associates LLP Renews Sponsorship of Public Lectures

The Tort Law Research Group is pleased to announce that the London firm of Legate & Associates LLP has renewed its sponsorship of its public lectures for the 2013-14 academic year. [Read more]

Zoë Sinel Joins Tort Law Research Group

As of July 2013, Zoë Sinel has been appointed an Assistant Professor at Western Law and has joined the Tort Law Research Group. [Read more]

Neyers at International Remedies Forum

On June 10-11, 2013, Professor Jason Neyers participated in the eighth International Remedies Discussion Forum in Prato, Italy. The goal of the forum was to bring together a small group of prominent remedies scholars from the US, Canada, Australia, Israel, Africa and Europe to discuss matters of common interest from a multi-disciplinary and multi-jurisdictional perspective. [Read more]

Tort Law CLE for Middlesex Law Association

On May 23, 2013, Professor Stephen Pitel outlined some key recent tort law developments at the Middlesex Law Association's annual civil litigation conference in London, attended by approximately 100 lawyers and judges. These included Clements v Clements on the test for factual causation, Antrim Truck Centre Ltd v Ontario (Transportation) on the requirements for private law nuisance, and Loychuk v Cougar Mountain Adventures on the enforceability of a liability waiver.

Western Law Scholars Present Papers at Private Law Theory Workshop

On April 19-20, 2013 three members of the Tort Law Research Group presented papers at the fourth annual Private Law Theory Workshop, this year hosted by Queen’s University.  The continued success of the Workshop illustrates the academic interest in private law theory for scholars based in central Canada. (Read more)

Solomon Named Distinguished University Professor

Professor Robert Solomon, leading scholar and senior author of Cases and Materials on the Law of Torts, has been named a Distinguished University Professor at Western University. [Read more]

Weinrib Lectures on 'Causal Uncertainty' in Tort Law

Ernest Weinrib, the Cecil A. Wright Professor of Law at the University of Toronto, delivered the second Tort Law Research Group public lecture for the 2012-13 academic year on March 4. Professor Weinrib offered an approach to resolving some of the common law's more difficult problems in the law of causation in tort. [Read more]

Western Law faculty, staff and students may view Professor Weinrib's lecture on the Tort Law Research Group's Sakai Site.

Neyers Presents at King's College London

On December 14, 2012, Professor Jason Neyers presented a paper entitled, "The Moral Basis of Public Nuisance" at the Moral Values and Private Law conference hosted by King's College London. [Read more]

New Edition of Fridman Text Published

LexisNexis has recently published the third edition of Gerald Fridman, QC's Introduction to the Canadian Law of Torts. The text, written for both students and practitioners, provides a concise overview of the law of torts in Canada. It provides a general framework of basic tort law principles and dedicated chapters on specific torts. It includes new material on remedies, vicarious liability, and invasion of privacy.

Developing Tort Law at an Intermediate Appellate Court

On November 5, 2012, Justice Robert Sharpe of the Court of Appeal for Ontario delivered the first Tort Law Research Group public lecture for the 2012-13 academic year. [Read more]

Neyers Speaks on Injurious Affection

On October 4, 2012, Professor Jason Neyers provided a keynote address on injurious affection at the Ontario Expropriation Association London 2012 Reception. [Read more]

Klimchuk Co-organizes Conference on the Rule of Law and Private Law

On September 21-22, 2012, the University of Toronto hosted an innovative conference to consider the extent to which the rule of law has implications for the content of private law. [Read more]

Legate & Associates LLP Sponsors Public Lectures for 2012-13

The Tort Law Research Group is proud to announce that the London firm of Legate & Associates LLP will be sponsoring the Public Lecture series in 2012-13. [Read more]

Western Law Hosts Obligations VI Conference

From June 17-20, Western Law was pleased to host the Sixth Biennial Conference on the Law of Obligations, with the theme of "Challenging Orthodoxy." [Read more]

Neyers Speaks to Oxford Obligations Discussion Group

On June 4, 2012, Professor Jason Neyers gave an invited lecture entitled "Re-conceptualizing the Tort of Public Nuisance" at the University of Oxford. [Read more]

Paisley Snail International Conference

Professor Chamberlain was among the speakers at the Paisley Snail International Conference, held in Paisley Scotland, to mark the 80th anniversary of the decision inDonoghue v Stevenson on May 26. [Read more]

Tort Law Developments Discussed with Middlesex Law Association

On May 24, 2012, Professor Stephen Pitel was an invited speaker at the Middlesex Law Association's Annual "Straight from the Bench" conference in London. He reviewed the most significant tort law decisions from the Supreme Court of Canada and the Court of Appeal for Ontario over the past year. [Read more]

Private Law Theory Workshop

Three members of the Tort Law Research Group recently presented papers at the annual Private Law Theory Workshop, hosted by the University of Toronto Faculty of Law. [Read more]