Canada / U.S. Law Institute

The Canada – United States Law Institute (CUSLI) is a forum for the discussion of legal issues arising in the Canada-U.S. context. Founded in 1976 as a joint creation of Western Law and the Case Western Reserve University School of Law in Cleveland, Ohio, the Institute serves as an umbrella for a variety of ongoing activities. These include the CUSLI Student Forum and Continental Conversations, student exchanges and faculty visits, publication of the Canada-U.S. Law Journal, the CUSLI Distinguished Lecture, the CUSLI Annual Conference, and periodic Experts Meetings.
CUSLI’s aim is to help foster institutional and professional linkages between interested individuals on both sides of the Canada – U.S. border for the purpose of promoting awareness and dialogue. It welcomes student participation in all of its activities and its events provide excellent networking opportunities. A number of CUSLI alumni have gone on to serve in key positions in the Canada – U.S. relationship.
A unique feature of the Institute’s work is the CUSLI Student Forum, where students have an opportunity to learn about cutting-edge issues of regulatory divergence between Canada and the United States. In recent years CUSLI Student Forums have examined comparative approaches to environmental assessment, marijuana legalization, same-sex marriage, defence cooperation and physician-assisted suicide.
Students are also encouraged to apply for positions on the editorial board of The Canada-U.S. Law Journal, founded in 1974. The Journal is the only student-run publication of its kind edited by a binational team composed of students from both sponsoring institutions. The Journal sponsors a “Write-On” competition every fall for students interested in this opportunity.
The following is a short video of the Canada-U.S. Law Institute’s mandate and activities: