Students develop negotiation skills at Torys LLP Competition
October 24, 2012
Strong negotiation expertise is vital to a successful legal career and the Torys LLP Negotiation Competition provides students a forum to develop those critical skills.
This year’s competition, held on October 11, featured 100 Western Law students, the largest field in the competition's history at Western Law.
The competition finals were judged by eleven lawyers and students-at-law from Torys LLP who were impressed with the students’ professionalism.
“All teams in the finals demonstrated an exceptionally high level of negotiating skill and client advocacy,” said Western Law grad Adrienne DiPaolo, an associate at Torys LLP. “And Torys is pleased to be able to foster these skills.”
First Place Team honours went
to Claire Lehan & Heather Barnes (pictured left) and Blake Jones & Tom Ladner finished
in second place.
Both teams will represent Western Law at the American Bar Association Regional Negotiation Competition in Michigan in November.
“We are grateful to Torys LLP for their continued sponsorship of this competition at Western Law and the active involvement of their lawyers in mentoring Western Law students,” said Professor Michael Coyle, the Faculty Coordinator of the competition.
“Thanks also to student organizers Kavina Nagrani, Erik Van Drunen, Dan Levine and Travis Usher, for their exceptional work in making the competition run so smoothly.”