Chambers and the Western Journal of Legal Studies

Chambers serves as a blog-style platform to publish case commentaries, opinions, and articles that are brief (approximately 250 to 1250 words) dealing with noteworthy legal topics. The goal of Chambers is to serve as a platform for Canadian law students and recent graduates to publish their thoughts quickly and easily, while also promoting discussion amongst Canadian law students.

Chambers was created and is administered by the Western Journal of Legal Studies ("WJLS"). The WJLS is a student-run, online, open-access law review focusing on contributions to Canadian and international law that are novel, non-obvious, and useful. The WJLS is officially supported and recognized by the Western Law faculty and administration.

The purpose of the WJLS is to provide the opportunity for Western Law students to gain experience in reviewing, editing, and publishing a journal of legal scholarship. The WJLS hopes to promote the development of legal writing amongst students throughout Canada and to provide an academic forum where scholars can critically debate legal issues in all areas of Canadian and international law.

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