Margaret Ann Wilkinson

Margaret Ann Wilkinson

Academic Degrees:

LLB (Toronto) 1978, BA (Toronto) 1983, MLS (Toronto) 1985, PhD (UWO) 1992, called to the Bar of Ontario in 1980.


Professor Wilkinson was awarded the Faculty Scholar Award in 2011 for her achievements in teaching and research. She was awarded the Ontario Library Association Les Fowlie Intellectual Freedom Award 2012, "for her tireless effort in advocating for the principles of balance, user rights and fair dealing on behalf of the Canadian Library community." She is also the Director of the Area of Concentration in Intellectual Property, Information and Technology Law.

Professor Wilkinson practiced law in Toronto for several years prior to her graduate studies (supported, inter alia, by a Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council doctoral fellowship). She first joined the Faculty of Law at Western in 1991. In 1992, she became jointly appointed to the Faculty of Law and the then Graduate School of Library and Information Science (now the Faculty of Information and Media Studies). Professor Wilkinson was fully appointed to the Faculty of Law in 2007. She retains her supervisory status in the Graduate Program in Law, her supervisory status for doctoral students in Library and Information Science, and her graduate supervisory status in Health Information Science.

Professor Wilkinson's thesis on "The Impact of the Ontario Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, 1987 upon Affected Organizations", won the American Society for Information Science Doctoral Dissertation Award. Professor Wilkinson has spoken and published in the areas of intellectual property, information and media law, and information policy, including health information policy, as well as in the areas of management, professionalism, and professional ethics.

Research Highlights

“Health Personal Data Protection and Data Exclusivity:  Do the Subjects of, and Intellectual Property in, Data Compete?,” forthcoming in Mistrale Goudreau and Margaret Ann Wilkinson (eds) New  Paradigms in the Protection of Inventiveness, Data and Signs: Changing Perceptions of the Role of Intellectual Property (Montreal: Éditions Yvon Blais). Refereed. Forthcoming.

“What is the role of new technologies in tensions in Intellectual Property?” in Tana Pistorius (ed) Intellectual Property Perspectives on the Regulation of Technologies [ATRIP Intellectual Property Law Series] (Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, 2018), 8-34. Refereed.

"Copyright and Canadian Schools," in David C. Young (ed), Education Law in Canada: A Guide for Teachers and Administrators (Toronto: Irwin Law, 2017) at 287-337. Invited.

Gregory Hagen, Cameron Hutchison, David Lametti, Graham Reynolds, Teresa Scassa, Margaret Ann Wilkinson, [alphabetical order] Canadian Intellectual Property Law: Cases and Materials 2nd edition (2017) Emonds.

“International Copyright: Marrakesh and the future of users' rights exceptions,” Chapter 7 in Mark Perry (ed) Global Governance of Intellectual Property in the 21st Century (New York: Springer, 2016) 107-127. Refereed.

Margaret Ann Wilkinson, John B.A. Wilkinson, Richard Mandel, Kirk Teska, and Joseph S. Iamdioio [latter 3, authors of the chapter in the American edition], “Legal and Tax Issues, Including Intellectual Property,” Chapter 13 in William D. Bygrave, Andrew Zacharakis, and Sean Wise, Entrepreneurship, Canadian Edition (Etobicoke: John Wiley & Sons Canada, December 2014, © 2015), 517-554. Invited.

Margaret Ann Wilkinson and Tierney GB Deluzio, “The Term of Copyright Protection in Photographs,” (December 2015) 31 Canadian Intellectual Property Review 95-109. Refereed.

“The Public Interest in Moral Rights Protection,” (2006) 1 Michigan State Law Review, 193-234. Refereed.

Margaret Ann Wilkinson, Christa Walker, and Peter Mercer, “Testing Theory and Debunking Stereotypes: Lawyers’ Views on the Practice of Law” (2005) 18(1) Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence, 165-201. Refereed.

Margaret Ann Wilkinson and Lynne (E.F.) McKechnie, “Implementing the Information Rights of Canadian Children,” (2002) 20(3) Canadian Family Law Quarterly, 429-465. Refereed.