Andrew Botterell

Professor Andrew BotterellAndrew Botterell joined Western in 2007. A former Supreme Court of Canada clerk, he was named “Professor of the Year” at Western Law in 2013-14, and received the Faculty’s Award for Teaching Excellence in 2017-18. He Chaired Western’s Department of Philosophy from 2016-19 and is a former Editor of the Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence. His legal teaching and research interests are primarily in the philosophy of criminal law and in private law theory, and his work has appeared in Jurisprudence, Legal Theory, Law & Philosophy, Criminal Justice Ethics, the Osgoode Hall Law Journal, and the Alberta Law Review, among other places. Andrew served as Western Law's Associate Dean (Research & Graduate Studies) from 2019-2022 and as Associate Dean (Academic) from 2023-2024. He has been serving as Acting Dean since July 1, 2024.

Seeking graduate students in the following areas: Philosophy of Law, Criminal Law, Tort/Property/Restitution

Academic Degrees:

B.A.(Hons.)(McGill), Ph.D.(MIT), J.D.(University of Toronto)

Phone: 519 661-2111 ext. 87864
Office: LB 231

Selected Research Highlights

"Revisiting the Defence of Diminished Responsibility" Osgoode Hall Law Journal (forthcoming 2023).

“Corrective Justice and Contract Law” in M. Chen-Wishart and P. Saprai, eds, Research Handbook on the Philosophy of Contract Law (Elgar Publishing, forthcoming).

“Private Law, Public Right, and the Law of Unjust Enrichment" (2021) 12:4 Jurisprudence 537.

"Why Gametes Are Not Like Enriched Uranium" (2016) 30:9 Bioethics 741.

"Licensing Parents in International Contract Pregnancies" (with C. McLeod) (2016) 33:2 Journal of Applied Philosophy 178.

"Not For the Faint of Heart: Assessing the Status Quo on Adoption and Parental Licensing" (with C. McLeod), in F. Baylis and C. McLeod, eds., Family Making: Contemporary Ethical Challenges (Oxford: OUP, 2014): 151-167.

"Understanding the Voluntary Act Principle" in F. Tanguay-Renaud and J. Stribopoulos, eds., Rethinking Criminal Law Theory (Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2012): 97-115.

"Contractual Performance, Corrective Justice, and Disgorgement for Breach of Contract” (2010) 16:3 Legal Theory135.

"In Defence of Infringement" (2008) 27 Law and Philosophy 269.

"Property, Corrective Justice, and the Nature of the Cause of Action in Unjust Enrichment" (2007) 20 Canadian Journal of Law & Jurisprudence 275.