Jason Neyers

Academic Degrees:
B.A. (Hon.) (Western), LL.B. (Great Distinction) (McGill), M.St (Distinction) (Oxford)
Email: | jneyers@uwo.ca |
Phone: | 519-661-2111, x88435 |
Office: | LB 26 |
Jason Neyers is a Professor of Law at Western University. He has published in leading law journals in Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia and Singapore and is the co-editor/author of ten books. His work has been cited by the Supreme Courts of Canada, the United Kingdom, and New Zealand, the High Court of Australia, and numerous appellate and first instance courts across the Commonwealth. Professor Neyers has been a visiting scholar at Melbourne Law School, Sydney Law School and the Auckland University of Technology. He is the moderator of the Obligations Discussion Group (ODG), which is an international mailing list devoted to all aspects of the law of obligations and is a founding member of Western University’s Tort Law Research Group. In 2019, he was named the Jay McLeod Professor of the Year by Western’s Student Legal Society and has been selected to the USC Teaching Honour Roll in previous years. Professor Neyers was named Western Law’s Faculty Scholar in 2015 (given to honour outstanding scholarly achievements) and has been the Cassels Brock LLP Faculty Fellow in Contract Law. Prior to taking up his academic appointment he was a law clerk at the Court of Appeal for Ontario.
Seeking graduate students in the following areas: Professor Neyers is happy to supervise graduate students in all areas of the private law.
Research Highlights
“Vicarious Liability in the Common Law World: The Revolution in Canada” in P Giliker, ed, Vicarious Liability in the Common Law World (Hart, 2022) (with J Kiss).
Fridman’s The Law of Torts in Canada, 4th ed (Toronto: Thomson Reuters, 2020) (with A Botterell, E Chamberlain, M McInnes, JW Neyers, SGA Pitel & Zoë Sinel).
Introduction to the Canadian Law of Torts, 4th ed (Toronto: LexisNexis, 2020) with A Botterell, E Chamberlain, M McInnes, JW Neyers, SGA Pitel & Zoë Sinel).
“Form and Substance in the Tort of Deceit” in A Robertson and J Goudkamp, eds, Form and Substance in the Law of Obligations (Oxford: Hart, 2019)Cases and Materials on Contracts, 6th ed (Toronto: Emond Montgomery, 2018).
“Reconceptualising the Tort of Public Nuisance” [2017] Cambridge Law Journal 87.
“Tate & Lyle, Pure Economic Loss and The Modern Tort of Public Nuisance” (2016) 53 Alberta Law Review 1031 (with A Botterell).
“Loss of Custom and Public Nuisance: The Authority of Ricket” (2016) Lloyd’s Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly 135 (with E Andrews).
“Causing Loss by Unlawful Means: Should the High Court of Australia follow OBG Ltd v Allan?” in S Degeling, J Edelman & J Goudkamp eds, Torts in Commercial Law (Sydney, Thomson Reuters, 2012).
“What (is) a Nuisance?” (2011) 90 Canadian Bar Review 215.
“The Economic Torts as Corrective Justice” (2009) 17 Torts Law Journal 162.
“Rights-Based Justifications for the Tort of Unlawful Interference with Economic Relations” (2008) 28 Legal Studies 215.
The Law of Torts in Canada, 3d ed (Toronto: Carswell, 2010) Ch. 11.
“Explaining the Principled Exception to Privity of Contract” (2007) 52 McGill Law Journal 757.