As of 2015 some of the databases, which used to be hosted on the Canada Law Book website, have migrated over to WestlawNext Canada. The following is a list of the remaining CLB databases not yet migrated and still accessed as stand-alone products. Products, which have migrated are listed below with a notice.
Canada Statute Service
The Canada Statute Service is available via the web from the Canada Law Book site. The Canada Statute Service contains consolidated statutes (excluding the Income Tax Act) and regulations of Canada: the 1985 Revised Statutes of Canada, amendments, new acts, and regulations. It also includes the content found in the print "Canada Statute Citator".Access on Campus HERE
Access from home is via the UWO Proxy Server.
Canadian Patent Reporter Plus
The Canadian Patent Reporter Plus is a collection of the most important case law in the areas of patents, trademarks and competition law in Canada. The product provides access to: Canadian Patent Reporter (CPR) 1942-present as well as any related statutes and regulations in a consolidated format. The database also provides the legislative history of major intellectual property statutes going back to 1952.Access on Campus HERE
Access from home is via the UWO Proxy Server.
Criminal Spectrum
Now on WestlawNext Canada
The Premier Edition of Criminal Spectrum, includes a comprehensive collection of reported and unreported criminal law decisions since 1977 and all decisions reported in Canadian Criminal Cases since 1898 + a noting-up service for caselaw; federal and provincial criminal legislation; annotations from Greenspan and Rosenberg Martin's Annual Criminal Code and Greenspan and Rosenberg Martin's Related Criminal Statutes; and commentaries such as:
- Salhany Canadian Criminal Procedure
- Clewley and McDermott Sentencing: The Practitioner's Guide
- Harris Youth Criminal Justice Act Manual
- MacFarlane, Frater, and Proulx Drug Offences in Canada
- Hill, Tanovich, Strezos, and Hutchison McWilliams' Canadian Criminal Evidence
- Ewaschuk Criminal Pleadings & Practice in Canada
Dominion Law Reports Plus
The Dominion Law Reports Plus, currently in its 4th series, goes back to the original series (1912-1922).Access on Campus HERE
Access from home is via the UWO Proxy Server.
Employment Spectrum
Now on WestlawNext Canada
An online employment law research tool combining expert commentary, case law and legislation. Employment Spectrum also includes a Dismissal Notice Periods search which matches your search criteria with relevant notice period results and includes links to the full text decisions.Employment Spectrum includes:
- Commentary
-Canadian Employment Law (Stacey Reginald Ball)
-Canadian Health and Safety Law: A Comprehensive Guide to the Statutes, Policies and Case Law (Norman A. Keith)
-Dismissal and Employment Law Digest
-Employee Obligations in Canada (James A. D’Andrea)
-The Employment Bulletin: Legal Issues in the Workplace
-Illness and Disability in the Workplace: How to Navigate Through the Legal Minefield
-The Law of Dismissal in Canada, Third Edition (Howard A. Levitt)
- Case Law (with PDF images)
-A comprehensive collection of full-text employment-related case law, with summaries from 1977 to present
-Court decisions cited in the Commentary, including cases reported in the Dominion Law Reports since 1912
-Decisions cited in the Commentary from many boards and tribunals
- Legislation
The full text of federal, provincial and territorial statutes, plus selected regulations, relating to employment standards, pay equity, occupational health and safety, human rights, privacy and workers’ compensation.
- Topical Indicies
-All-Canada Weekly Summaries (A.C.W.S.) – employment-related topics -Dominion Law Reports (D.L.R.) – employment-related topics-Citator (Note up court and tribunal decisions to find case history, citing references (case treatments) and links to secondary source references).
Labour Spectrum: Essential Edition
Now on WestlawNext Canada
Labour Spectrum (previously the Canadian Labour Law Library) includes volumes of labour law decisions and commentary covering decades of court decisions. The product features: Canadian Labour Arbitration, Fourth Edition (CLA), [Brown & Beatty] Labour Arbitration Cases (LAC), Series 1-4 Canadian Labour Arbitration Summaries (CLAS)
Martin's Online Criminal Code
Martin's Online Criminal Code is an online legal research tool that provides users with access to the Criminal Code at a particular point in time, along with the corresponding commentary. Users can browse through previous versions of Martin's Annual Criminal Code, or search for a particular section or subsection at a specific date.Martin's Online Criminal Code includes the full text of the following:
- all versions of the Criminal Code dating back to 1955
- cross-references, synopses, and annotations from Martin's Annual Criminal Code dating back to 1955
- forms of charges dating back to 1970, and
- cases referred to in Martin's case law annotations
Access on Campus HERE
Access from home is via the UWO Proxy Server.
O'Brien's Encyclopedia of Forms, Eleventh Edition
Collection of legal forms and precedents. Ten divisions: Commercial and General, Corporations, Conveyancing and Mortgages, Leases, Wills and Trusts, Family Law, Ontario Court Forms, Municipal Corporations, Computers and Information Technology.Only some divisions of O'Brien's Forms are available online from the Canada Law Book website. For those not available online, the law library has a collection of CDs kept on Reserve.
Access on Campus HERE
Access from home is via the UWO Proxy Server.
Ontario Citator Service
The Ontario Citator Service is available via the web from the Canada Law Book site. Provides the full text of Ontario statutes and regulations currently in force, including the history of amendments, and notes of cases interpreting statutory language. This service includes the English-language, unofficial consolidation of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1990, incorporating amendments and new Acts; the consolidated Revised Regulations of Ontario, 1990, including amendments and new regulations up to the cut-off date specified on the database website; and the "Ontario Statute Citator" (also available in print in the Law Library). Amendments passed by the Ontario Legislature but not yet brought into force are also included. Private Acts are excluded. Case notes in the Ontario Statute Citator represent an editorial selection and date from 31 December, 1990.Access on Campus HERE
Access from home is via the UWO Proxy Server.